所在实验室拥有美国agilent 8890 gc 气相色谱仪、瑞士万通930智能型离子色谱仪、德国merck millipore的direct-q5uv超纯水机、jw-bk100c比表面及微孔分析仪、美国amax psc-hc1x模拟组态软件工作站、-70℃超低温冰箱、高压反应釜、超声波细胞破碎机、节能程控管式炉、旋转蒸发仪等科研仪器设备,并与山东省分析测试中心、齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)分析测试中心建立了良好的合作关系,实验条件优越。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,水热炭调控丛枝菌根真菌介导玉米根系锌吸收的作用机制,30万,主持;
2. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金,酸性水热炭与外源磷耦合促进小麦菌根途径锌吸收作用机制,15万,主持;
3. 济南市科技创新发展计划社会民生专项项目,农林废弃物高效转化黄河於区土壤改良剂及产品开发与示范,100万,主持;
4. 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)科教产融合创新试点工程-基础研究培优基金,amf真菌响应生物炭促进微域土壤锌形态转化途径与机制,30万,主持;
5. 济南市“新高校20条”项目,生物炭协同强化微生物修复土壤重金属同步固碳技术,120万,骨干参与;
6. 中央引导地方科技发展专项资金,餐厨和农业有机废弃物协同转化中低产田改良剂技术开发与示范推广,100万,参与;
7. 山东省国际科技合作项目,固体有机废弃物高值转化土壤固碳消障投入品与绿色减碳技术引进与开发,20万,参与。
1. chen xx, liu ym, zhao qy, cao wq, chen xp, zou cq*. 2020. health risk assessment associated with heavy metal accumulation in wheat after long-term phosphorus fertilizer application. environmental pollution. 262: 114348.
2. chen xx, zhang w, wang xz, liu ym, yu bg, chen xp, zou cq. 2021. life cycle assessment of a long-term multifunctional winter wheat-summer maize rotation system on the north china plain under sustainable p management. science of the total environment. 783: 147039.
3. hongyu si, changkai zhao, bing wang, xiaohui liang, mingjie gao, zhaoxia jiang, hewei yu, yuanyuan yang, zhijie gu, kenji ogino, xiuxiu chen*. 2023. liquid-solid ratio during hydrothermal carbonization affects hydrochar application potential in soil: based on characteristics comparison and economic benefit analysis. journal of environmental management. 335:117567.
4. zhang w1, chen xx1, liu ym, liu dy, du yf, chen xp, zou cq*. 2018. the role of phosphorus supply in maximizing the leaf area, photosynthetic rate, coordinated to grain yield of summer maize. field crops research. 219:113-119.
5. chen xx, zhang w, wang q, liu ym, liu dy, zou cq*. 2019. zinc nutrition of wheat in response to application of phosphorus to a calcareous soil and an acid soil. plant soil. 434: 139-150.
6. chen xx, jiao jy, cao wq, yu bg, liu ym, chen xp, zou cq*. 2021. a sustainable phosphorus management in agriculture: assessing trade-offs between human health risks and nutritional yield regarding heavy metals in maize grain. environmental research. 203:111792.
7. chen xx, zhang w, liang xy, liu ym, xu sj, zhao qy, zou cq*. 2019. physiological and developmental traits associated with the grain yield of winter wheat as affected by phosphorus fertilizer management. scientific reports. 9: 1-12.
8. yuxiao cai, luyu liu, wei zhang, sen xing, xiaohui liang, mingjie gao, hewei yu, zhaoxia jiang, kenji ogino, xiuxiu chen*, bing wang, and hongyu si. 2023. effects of adding pyrochar and hydrochar to calcareous soil on nutrient uptake by maize. bioresources. 18:2981-2997.
9. zhang w, chen xx, liu ym, liu dy, chen x , zou cq*. 2017. zinc uptake by roots and accumulation in maize plants as affected by phosphorus application and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. plant soil. 413:59-71.
10.liu ym, cao q, chen xx, yu bg, lang m, chen xp, zou cq*. 2020. the responses of soil enzyme activities, microbial biomass and microbial community structure to nine years of varied zinc application rates. science of the total environment. 737: 140245
11. liu ym, liu dy, zhang w, chen xx, zhao qy, chen xp, zou cq*. 2020. health risk assessment of heavy metals (zn, cu, cd, pb, as and cr) in wheat grain receiving repeated zn fertilizers. environmental pollution. 257: 113581.
12.liu ym, liu dy, zhao qy, zhang w, chen xx, xu sj, zou cq*. 2020. zinc fractions in soils and uptake in winter wheat as affected by repeated applications of zinc fertilizer. soil & tillage research. 200: 104612.
13.bing wang, yonggang li, zhijie gu, handong wang, xiaofeng liu, suping li, xiuxiu chen, xiaohui liang, kenji ogino*, hongyu si*. 2023. biomass-derived hierarchically porous carbon-supported mnox enable fast ion/electron transport at high operating voltages. 249: 107857.
14.bing wang, yonggang li, zhijie gu, handong wang, xiaofeng liu, suping li, xiuxiu chen, xiaohui liang, zhaoxia jiang, kenji ogino*, hongyu si*. 2023. synthesis and design of biomass-derived heteroatom-doped hierarchical porous carbon systems for high-voltage supercapacitors. fuel processing technology. 247:107776
15. hewei yu*, jichao sun, xiuxiu chen, bing wang, xiaohui liang, mingjie gao, hongyu si**. 2023. synthesis of a novel acid-base bifunctional zn/ca–zr catalyst for biodiesel application: experimental and molecular simulation studies. renewable energy. 217: 119138.
1. 农林废弃物高效转化系列绿色固碳材料关键装备与产品开发,山东化学化工学会科技进步奖一等奖,山东化学化工学会,2023,1/12;
2. 第十届全国大学生乡村振兴创新创业大赛暨农业建筑环境与能源工程相关专业双创竞赛,国家一等奖,2023, 1/1;
4. 第十四届山东省大学生乡村环境与能源应用创新设计大赛,省级三等奖,1/2;
6. 第二十届山东省大学生机电产品创新设计竞赛,省级三等奖,2023,2/2.
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